Free Czech language courses: A1 / A2 / B1

The courses are fully funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Labour of the Czech Republic and are open to all foreigners regardless of status – whether you are working or looking for a job.

They include intensive classes with highly qualified teachers two or three times a week in the premises of the ICJ Institute of Foreign Languages at Kolbenova 38a Praha 9.

At the end of the course you will take an official exam with a representative of the Labour Office and receive a state certificate ‘Osvědčení o rekvalifikaci’.

It's now or never

It may take up to 1 month for a decision to be made on your application for free Czech language tuition from Úřad práce. Funding may be terminated at any time. So don't waste any time, register for the programme now!

бесплатные курсы чешсокого языка

Steps for registration

Step №1. To register, visit one of our offices located in Prague 1 and Prague 9 any time during office hours.

08:00 – 17:30 Kolbenova 38a, Praha 9

09:00 – 20:00 Vodičkova 699/30, 3 schodiště, Nové Město, Praha 1

We will choose a course for you according to your level of Czech and help to submit a registration application. 

Step №2. After our meeting you will need to take the application form yourself to the Úrad práce in your place of registration and register as uchazeč o zaměstnání (if you are looking for a job or on maternity leave) or zájemce (if you are already employed but want to improve your Czech for better career opportunities).

Upcoming courses

Elementary A1

02.12.2024 - 13.01.2025

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 09:00 - 12:00

11.12.2024 - 19.02.2025

Wed 18:00 - 21:00 Sat 10:00 - 13:00

08.01.2025 - 14.02.2025

Wed, Fr 18:00 - 21:00 Sat 10:00 - 13:00

Intermediate А2

25.11.2024 - 19.02.2025

Mon, Wed, Thu 09:00 - 12:00

17.12.2024 - 13.03.2025

Tue, Thu 18:00 - 21:00 Sat 10:00 - 13:00

13.01.2025 - 25.03.2025

Mon, Tue, Thu 18:00 - 21:00

Upper-Intermediate B1

19.11.2024 - 27.02.2025

Tue, Thu 18:00 - 21:00 Sat 10:00 - 13:00

16.12.2024 - 26.03.2025

Mon, Wed, Fr 18:00 - 21:00

21.01.2025 - 22.04.2025

Tue, Fr 18:00 - 21:00 Sat 10:00 - 13:00

A1 (Beginner) course: For those who start learning Czech from scratch
  • 65 lectures of 45 min

A basic Czech language course at A1 level that helps learners develop basic reading, writing, listening and speaking skills by focusing on simple situations from everyday life. This makes learning Czech for beginners effective and flexible.

  • Grammar and vocabulary: Students learn basic words and simple grammatical structures. Learning Czech from scratch means expanding vocabulary and understanding basic grammar rules.
  • Communication Skills: The course teaches students to use basic phrases for introductions, greetings and simple conversation. Czech for Beginners will help you carry on simple dialogues and express your needs in everyday situations.
  • Reading and writing: Students master reading and writing simple words and sentences, moving on to short texts and more complex sentences. Learning Czech for beginners covers the key skills of reading and writing.
  • Cultural Aspects: The course introduces students to the main cultural aspects of the Czech Republic as well as simple traditions and customs of the country, making the basics of the Czech language understandable and interesting.

This Czech language course for beginners is an excellent starting point for those who wish to build a solid foundation for further study of Czech at higher levels.

A2 (Intermediate) course: For those who already have a basic knowledge
  • 125 lectures of 45 min

The Czech course at A2 level is designed for students who already have a basic knowledge of Czech and want to improve their skills at beginner and intermediate levels.

Key features of the course:

  • Language proficiency level: Basic and intermediate communication skills development.
  • Grammar and vocabulary: Deepen understanding of grammatical rules and expand vocabulary.
  • Communication Skills: Practice in a variety of everyday situations and the ability to conduct simple discussions.
  • Reading and writing: Mastering the skills of reading simple texts and writing short messages.
  • Cultural Aspects: Familiarisation with Czech culture, traditions and cultural events.
  • Final Evaluation: Conduct assessments to evaluate progress and readiness for advanced levels of learning.

This Czech language course provides an opportunity to strengthen your language skills and prepare for more challenging levels of study. Gain confidence in communicating in Czech with our A2 course.

B1 (Upper-intermediate) course: Improving knowledge for work and study
  • 151 lectures of 45 min

The Czech language course at level B1 is designed for students who are already confident with the basics of Czech at level A2 and want to strengthen their language skills to an intermediate level.

Key features of the course:

  • Language proficiency level: Developing communication skills from basic to advanced levels.
  • Grammar and vocabulary: Deepening in complex grammatical structures and expanding active vocabulary.
  • Communication Skills: Practise in a variety of everyday scenarios and actively participate in discussions.
  • Reading and writing: Improved skills in reading complex texts and writing structured messages.
  • Cultural Aspects: Immersion in Czech culture, literature and traditions.

This Czech language course provides students with the opportunity to significantly improve their language skills and prepare for more advanced levels of communication.

Join our B1 course and reach new heights in learning Czech!


Constant feedback from our language department and access to a private chat room to resolve issues throughout the training programme

Employment assistance

For students who complete the full course we provide free counselling on employment in the Czech Republic

Certificate upon completion of the course

ICJ Language School is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MŠMT). Upon completion of the course, you will receive an official certificate confirming your level of Czech language proficiency.

This certificate is a significant employment advantage, increasing your competitiveness in the labour market.

сертификаты подтверждающие уровень знания чешского

Any other questions? Here are the answers!

Who can attend the free courses?

All foreigners with any type of visa in the Czech Republic who have a work permit.

I am officially employed, can I attend courses from Úřad práce?

Yes, you can. You will only need confirmation from your employer.

Is the course really free of charge?

Yes, the course itself is absolutely free of charge. However, we charge an administration fee of 300 CZK for help in completing all the documents for the Úřadu práce and support throughout the process. The workbook is also free of charge and remains with you after the course.

What are the terms and conditions of the free course?

You must register at the Úřadu práce and stay there for one month after you finish your studies. It is also compulsory to attend 80 per cent of the classes. At the end of the course, you must take a final exam to receive a certificate. You will bring this certificate to Úřad práce as proof of successful completion of the course.

Not ready to study now. Can I apply in a few months?

If you have reasons why you cannot start the course immediately, we recommend that you apply for the course as soon as possible and, after getting an approval from Úřad práce, you can choose the course that suits your needs in terms of time.

Where do the courses take place?

The courses take place exclusively in Prague, in our new premises at 38a Kolbenova street, Praha 9, next to the Kolbenova metro station.

Is it possible to study online?

The free course programme is currently only available offline in Prague. However, we know how important it is to master the Czech language in order to feel at home in a new country, so we have created affordable online courses for different levels. For more information please contact us at +420 773 305 429 (WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram).

I don't know what level I should go to study

Don’t worry! Our managers will help you determine your level of Czech with a test.

What does the full process of submitting and learning on a free course look like?
  1. Choose the most convenient location for you


    08:00 – 17:30 Kolbenova 38a, Praha 9

    09:00 – 20:00 Vodičkova 699/30, 3 schodiště, Nové Město, Praha 1

  2. Come to the office any time during office hours to complete the documents.
  3. Submit the documents to the Labor Office in your district of Prague.
  4. Wait for a decision from the Labor Office for up to 30 days.
  5. If your application is successful, you will receive an email from us with all the details of your course.
  6. After completing the course, submit your certificate to the Labor Office.

At ICJ we have over 15 years of experience!

We offer courses at different levels and an individual approach to each student. Our courses not only help you master the language, but also open up new career prospects.

With over 400 teachers throughout the Czech Republic and flexible learning programmes, you can quickly achieve the results you want.

Our lessons cover all the topics and skills you need to use Czech confidently in everyday situations.

We create a learning atmosphere that is far removed from boring lectures. Our lessons include interactive games and modern teaching methods that meet the demands of today’s world.